Hi! We are Paolo, Andrea, Alberto, Riccardo & Marta

castel sant'angelo rome tickets

We have been telling the story of Castel Sant’Angelo since 2023 by sharing guides, articles and photos of one of the wonders of Italy’s artistic heritage. We created castelsantangelorome.it because we want to help people travel more and travel better.

We think that sharing our guides, tips and perspectives on Castel San’Angelo can help make some travellers’ experience better and increase awareness that the Castle is a magnificent attraction, just waiting to be explored.

We want travellers (like you who are reading this right now) to use what we write and what we photograph as a real handbook to create their own memories and adventures in Rome.

Since it went online in 2023, the site has become one of the most important resources in Rome’s Castel Sant’Angelo.

We would like to emphasise that castelsantangelorome.it is not the castle’s official website, but a portal created by simple enthusiasts, which is now read by more than tens of thousands of people every month.

Different people, with different budgets, dreams and priorities, travelling from different parts of Italy with a single destination: Rome.

castelsantangelorome.com is not the official website of Castel Sant’Angelo

This is our corner of Rome: castelsantangelorome.it. Here you will find no business tips or sponsored attractions. Everything we share is the result of our personal adventures in the heart of the castle we love so much.

We are here to share with you, our visitor, the love we have for Rome. We don’t just want to tell you what to do or where to go, but we want to take you with us on this journey of discovery.

Rome is our muse, the source of our inspirations. And we want to take you to the heart of its streets, its flavours and colours. castelsantangelorome.it is an invitation to experience Rome with new eyes, with the curiosity of a traveller and the awareness of a culture lover. Whether your trip is short or long, with family or friends, we accompany you with true stories and genuine insights to make every moment unforgettable.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure. We hope that our words can add a special touch to your experience in Rome. See you within the pages of our site, where passion and authenticity are at home.

facciata castel sant'angelo roma

The people behind castelsantangelorome.com

Castel Sant’Angelo began as a project between friends, with the aim of helping visitors discover the best of the Castle. Today it has become one of the most important resources of tourism in Rome.

But who are the people behind the project?

paolo sanetti

Paolo Sanetti

Born and raised in Genoa, I work as a software engineer in the transport field driven by my passion for new technologies. However, in addition to my rational and methodical side, I like to challenge myself and think creatively and outside the box: I play drums in a band and love travelling, both in italy and abroad, to discover new places and broaden my views. I manage the Castel Sant’Angelo Roma website and also write articles, a mix of accurate research and personal travel experiences.

Andrea Semonella

In the vast universe of art and culture, I define myself as a passionate traveller with a soul that finds refuge in the enchanting Rome. Despite my adventures across different continents, it is here that my heart beats with the most intensity. Castel Sant’Angelo Rome is the vehicle through which I share the priceless riches of the castle’s traditions, people and well-kept secrets. My days are spent in front of the computer, where I shape SEO strategies for castelsantangelorome.it.

alberto frulla

Alberto Frulla

I am a boat designer, a profession that reflects my passion for travel and exploration. Rome, with its eternal history, is my favourite destination. I am particularly fascinated by Castel Sant’Angelo, where I find inspiration within its ancient walls. I like to imagine the stories of those who have crossed its bridge, feeling almost as if I shared their experiences. This monument symbolises for me the fusion of history and mystery, elements that fuel my creativity and enrich my design, bringing a piece of Rome into each boat.

marta bianchi

Marta Bianchi

Ever since I was a child I have been lucky enough to travel to many parts of the world, but there is something magical about Rome that has captured my spirit and has yet to give me a valid reason not to love it. When I manage to carve out some free time, I love experimenting in the kitchen, especially with baking.  I am a web designer and developer, and I had the honour of creating the look of castelsantangelorome.it from its very first version to what it is today.

riccardo benna

Riccardo Benna

More than a traveller, I prefer to call myself a wanderer. I have always loved to get lost in the backstreets of cities I don’t know, to savour their beauty and dive into the thousands of stories they hold deep inside. As soon as I get the chance, I pack my backpack, load my camera and set off. Rome is one of my favourite destinations, and Castel Sant’Angelo never ceases to fascinate me with its infinite mysteries. A perpetually budding writer, I have been lucky enough to be able to contribute to the site with the help of my very faithful notebook and a series of unforgettable snapshots.

Would you like to get in touch with us?

Want to organise a trip to the Castel Sant’Angelo and need advice?

Would you like to promote an activity or event and need our help?

Write an e-mail to info@castelsantangelorome.it or fill in the form below. We always reply to everyone.