HistoryUseful Info

Castel Sant’Angelo for Children: History and Info for Guided Tours

Hello, my name is Paolo and today I want to share with you a special journey into the history of one of the most fascinating places in Rome: Castel Sant’Angelo.

If you are a parent or teacher eager to pass on the magnificence of this city and its castle to your children or pupils, you have come to the right place!

In this article, we will dive into the detailed history of this fortress, which has spanned centuries of adventure, from as far back as 400 A.D. to the present day.

At the end of the article, you will also find precious suggestions on how to organise a guided tour of Castel Sant’Angelo with children, perfect to do together with your little explorers.

castel santangelo roma

Tickets for Castel Sant’Angelo Rome: guided tour for adults and children

Buy online. Choose your preferred time. Visit Rome’s Castel Sant’Angelo, Hadrian’s Tomb, the papal flats, the fortress and much more with your children.

You can cancel free of charge up to the day before the visit.

History of Castel Sant’Angelo for Children

castel sant'angelo per bambini

Hey there, I’m Andrea, and today I’m going to take you on an exciting journey through the centuries to explore every corner of the magnificent history of Castel Sant’Angelo!

Ready? Go!

The Origins of the Castle

It all began many years ago, in ancient Rome, when this place was nothing more than a grandiose tomb built for Emperor Hadrian and his family.

Imagine a majestic circular structure, with a golden dome rising towards the sky and statues of Roman gods and emperors adorning its parapets.

This majestic monument was conceived by Hadrian as a place of eternal rest for himself and his descendants, a symbol of power and greatness that would stand the test of time.

But as the centuries passed, the history of this ancient place was enriched with new chapters.

Around 400 AD, when Rome was threatened by barbarian attacks, Adrian’s tomb was integrated into the city’s mighty defensive walls. Since then, its function changed radically: from a place of commemoration it became a fortress, a bulwark against invaders who dared to threaten Rome’s greatness.

The Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the castle experienced a period of great importance and transformation. Its massive walls and watchtowers proved crucial for the defence of the city, while its secret prisons housed political and criminal prisoners. The Castel Sant’Angelo, with its grandeur and strategic position on the banks of the Tiber, became a symbol of power and authority for the citizens of Rome.

The Renaissance

But it was during the Renaissance that the castle experienced its most glorious period. The popes transformed it into a sumptuous residence, a place where one could escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy moments of luxury and refinement. Here, amidst its lush gardens and rooms decorated with precious works of art, sumptuous banquets and feasts were held that attracted nobles and artists from all over the world.

Modern Age

However, the history of Castel Sant’Angelo was not always one of pomp and magnificence. In the modern era, the castle was used as a political prison, where some of the most important figures in Italian history were imprisoned. Its dark dungeons became witnesses to power struggles and political intrigues that profoundly marked the destiny of the city.

The Castel Sant’Angelo Today

Today, Castel Sant’Angelo is a museum, a place where history comes alive and where visitors can fully immerse themselves in Rome’s fascinating past. Walking through its ancient walls and majestic towers is like taking a journey through time, an experience that allows us to fully understand the importance and grandeur of this thousand-year-old city.

And so, through the ages and centuries, the story of Castel Sant’Angelo lives on, a tangible testimony to the greatness and beauty of Rome, a city that continues to enchant and fascinate the entire world.

The Legends of Castel Sant’Angelo (for Children)

Did you know that Castel S. Angelo (also called Hadrian’s Mausoleum) harbours frightening secrets and legends? Let us discover them together.

The Archangel Protector

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Pope Gregory and Archangel Michael

Long ago, in Rome, there was a terrible disease that was making many people sick. The new pope, Gregory the Great, was very worried and prayed God for help.

During a procession, while the pope and the people were walking on the Ponte Elio, the pontiff saw something incredible: an angel appeared on top of the Castel Sant’Angelo, the great castle of Rome, and put away his sword.

This was a wonderful sign! The pope understood that God had sent that angel to protect the city.

So, soon, the disease disappeared and the castle was named ‘Sant’Angelo’in honour of the angel who had protected it.

The Fugitive Magician

mago castel sant'angelo roma

Magician Bailardo

Once, a long time ago, there was a very powerful magician called Pietro Bailardo.

One day, however, he ended up in prison in Castel Sant’Angelo.

Although it seemed impossible, Bailardo had a plan to escape!

Using his magic, he drew a magic boat on the wall of his cell. It was a boat so real that his fellow prisoners could board it and escape with him!

But Bailardo was so good that he left a copy of himself in the cell, so the jailers would never know he had escaped!

The Legend of the Sad Ghost

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The ghost of Beatrice Cenci

This is the story of Beatrice Cenci, a very brave girl who lived in Rome a long time ago.

Beatrice had a cruel and wicked father who treated her badly.

One day, Beatrice and her family decided to kill their father because he was hurting everyone. But they were discovered and imprisoned in Castel Sant’Angelo.

Beatrice was beheaded, but it is said that her sad and tormented spirit continues to roam around the castle.

It has been said that every year, on the night between 10 and 11 September, the ghost of Beatrice appears on the Ponte Sant’Angelo, holding her head in his hands.

These stories are mysterious and remind us that the Castel Sant’Angelo is full of secrets and adventures!

What an incredible adventure we had together! I hope you had fun exploring the secrets of Castel Sant’Angelo and that this experience inspired you to continue discovering and appreciating the wonderful history of the city of Rome!

castel santangelo roma

Tickets for Castel Sant’Angelo Rome: guided tour for adults and children

Buy online. Choose your preferred time. Visit Rome’s Castel Sant’Angelo, Hadrian’s Tomb, the papal flats, the fortress and much more with your children.

Puoi annullare gratis fino al giorno precedente alla visita.

Visit Castel Sant’Angelo for Children

Since so many of you have asked me, in this paragraph I have decided to give some useful information for visiting Castel Sant’Angelo with children.

Guided Tour of Castel Sant’Angelo for Children

If you wish to take a guided tour of the castle with your little ones, you should know that there are several options available.

  • You can opt for the one-hour ‘express’ guided tour, so as not to bore the little ones and give them a tour of the castle in about one hour.
  • If your little ones are very interested in history and architecture, you can opt for the full guided tour lasting a total of 2 hours.
  • You can contact the Arte per Bambini agency, which organises guided tours especially for children.

How to Visit Castel Sant’Angelo with Children?

To make the experience of visiting Castel Sant’Angelo with children truly special, follow this practical guide.

After paying the entrance fee, you can explore this almost 2000-year-old monument, originally built as a mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian.

Start your visit from the fortress, transformed in the Middle Ages into a papal stronghold and later into a fearsome prison.

Enter the building and admire the frescoes in the luxurious flats of the popes. Afterwardsclimb up to the Terrazza dell’Angelo for a breathtaking view of the city.

Don’t forget to explore the side ramparts, dedicated to the four Evangelists, and take a relaxing break in the surrounding gardens, which also feature play areas for the little ones.

This adventure will be a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the history of Rome and have fun with your children!

Useful Info on Castel Sant’Angelo Rome

  • Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 9 am to 7.30 pm (ticket office closes at 6.30 pm)
  • Address: Lungotevere Castello 50, 00193 Rome RM
  • Info and reservations: +39 06 32810
  • Ticketing: discover all tickets online

Castel Sant’Angelo Rome for Children: Conclusions

Here we have come to the end of this post in which I told you about the history of Castel Sant’Angelo explained to children; afterwards, we saw together how to visit the manor house together with the little ones (on their own or by guided tour).

Do you have any doubts or questions? Leave a comment below. When I can, I always reply to everyone!

castel santangelo roma

Tickets for Castel Sant’Angelo Rome: guided tour for adults and children

Buy online. Choose your preferred time. Visit Rome’s Castel Sant’Angelo, Hadrian’s Tomb, the papal flats, the fortress and much more with your children.

You can cancel free of charge up to the day before the visit.

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